About me

Hi, I’m Doreen!

Mom of 4, busines coach, and psychologist.

Doreen integrates advanced mindset and nervous system techniques to help entrepreneurs and business leaders reach their full potential. Within her coaching program, she has helped hundreds of clients heal ancestral trauma that equips them to do the inner work needed to succeed in their personal and professional lives. 

Doreen has the unique ability to weave her Master’s in Counseling, 15 years in Corporate as VP of Marketing, and her own emotional grief journey into one package to help others build million-dollar businesses. 


We move at the pace of your body, and never rush our work together.

You are unique and so is your nervous system.

We slow down to speed up. My clients have incredible results because of the time we take to nurture and heal your nervous system.


 Coaching Focus:

Nervous System Patterns:

processing trauma to remove blocks that hinder growth, productivity, and inner peace 

Mission-Focused Work: 

the belief that you are here for a reason and the key to fulfillment is uncovering what you were designed to do  


a strong mind cannot accomplish what the nervous system cannot support 

Personal Achievements: 


Overcoming grief: after the traumatic loss of her child, Harper, Doreen is most proud of the inner work she has done to process her grief and become a present mother and devoted wife

Over $1 Million in Revenue: since going into business 

Self-made Millionaire: by the age of 40

Married to her amazing husband and mom of 4, with children between the ages of 4 and 11

Time Management: Doreen has learned effective skills to manage her work/life balance with no more than 20 hours of work each week while doubling her business consistently year over year.